West Bengal Examination Results

Hosted by National Informatics Centre

The results published on the NIC Servers are available to the examinees, for immediate information only. The results and any related data will be retained in the system for a period of 90 days (or three months) following the day, the examination's results are made public. NIC will not entertain any request received for seeking information / data / data backup w.r.t. Central/ State Education/Examination Boards results, post the expiration of result data retention period.   



Neither NIC nor Board/Council/Institution/University is responsible for any inadvertent error that may have crept in the results being published on NET. The results published on net are for immediate information to the examinees. These cannot be treated as original mark sheets. Respective Board/Council/Institution/University has provided the data and intimated for publication.

NIC Result Hosting Services (Data Retetion Policy Document)


Hosted By National Informatics Centre (NIC)